As Rich In Carousel History as Coney Island, Savin Rock Looks to Bring A Historic 1920s PTC Carousel Back to West Haven

West Haven would not want the original 4-row PTC #21 carousel back even if they could get it. Most, if not all of the original wooden horses have been replaced with fiberglass replicas. Savin Rock’s new historic PTC carousel would be all wood and all original, restored to its 1920 factory fresh glory. Photo courtesy of Tom Rebbie and the PTC Archives.
West Haven, CT – Bring a historic antique carousel back to Savin Rock? A pipe dream? Not at all – Dare to Dream, Savin Rock! Put some good, passionate people in charge with a good plan and anything can happen.

West Haven’s last historic carousel, Ca. 1912 PTC #21 Carousel operated at Savin Rock, CT, from 1912 to the late 1960s. Photo courtesy of Tom Rebbie and the PTC Archives.
Way to go West Haven and Savin Rock! Few places have as rich a carousel history as Savin Rock. Maybe Coney Island, maybe. But, in its heyday, it is said that Savin Rock even rivaled Coney Island with as many or rides and concession stands. They even built carousels here, too… quite a few.
What better place for a historic antique carousel to return to? And they have a location for it, too, a good one, aside the Savin Rock museum and the convention center.
It sounds like they have a good plan, some good people on board, a location, and some momentum. They are actually already well on there way.
West Haven Committee working to bring Historic Carousel back to Savin Rock
New Haven Register
Carousel committee members will be at a table at the Savin Rock Festival, this weekend looking for people to sign a pledge form, strictly at this point as a means to show support for the idea to bring back a classic, early 20th century Philadelphia Toboggan Co. carousel like the one that used to be at Savin Rock’s heart. READ FULL ARTICLE >>>

Murphy’s Savin Rock Hippodrome building. The Nikelet theatre sign, toward the far left, has yellow lettering. Barbara Williams collection

George Cameron’s Hotel Sea View, in-season residence of the Murphy brothers at Savin Rock in 1906 and 1907. William Benjamin collection.
Some Savin Rock Amusement Park History –
– The park was established in the 1870. In 1903 carnival rides were added and the area was opened as White City amusement park.
– It is said at its peak, “The Rock” had a midway a mile long with roller coasters and fun houses and all the rides. Shore Dinners, concerts, dance marathons, frozen custard and hot dogs stand to rival Coney Island.
– By 1919, Savin Rock Amusement Park attracted 1.2 million visitor a year.
– The park survived the 1938 hurricane, and planned to expand in the 1950s, but changing times and waterfront development overtook the park, which officially closed in 1966.
You will also find a wealth of Savin Rock carousel history in the August 2011 Carousel News & Trader Special Murphy Brothers Issue, as well as the follow up article in the CNT August 2012 – two great, in-depth research articles by By William Benjamin, Ph.D. and Barbara Williams. READ IT ONLINE >>>
The Carousel News & Trader August 2012: The Murphy Brothers II, New Discoveries and Insights.
More Saving Rock history and postcards in the book, Savin Rock Amusement Park, by Edith Reynolds; available from the publisher online at
Read a little more about Savin Rock Amusement Park history on Wikipedia.