UPDATE: Buffalo Carousel to Have Home at Canalside
Assemblyman Ryan Expedites $600,00 State Grant for Historic Buffalo Heritage Carousel’s Restoration
Rare 1924 Spillman Engineering Menagerie Carousel Was Built Just 20 Minutes North of Buffalo in No. Tonawanda

Great photo of the Van Andel Museum Center 1928 Spillman Eng./Looff carousel in Grand Rapids, MI, courtesy of “Trekkie Gal” at flickr; www.flickr.com/photos/trekkiegal1701d
Buffalo, NY – Things are starting to spin for the new/old historic carousel for Buffalo. It was somewhat official this summer when it was announced that The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation was offering to pay $250,000 for the local group, Buffalo Heritage Carousel, Inc. to purchase the historic 1924 Spillman Eng. menagerie carousel and operate it with solar power. But, for the purchase, the group would need to find funding elsewhere for the restoration.
Buffalo Heritage Carousel is the not-for-profit group that will own and operate the historic merry-go-round. The group was formed just for that reason, long before there was a historic carousel to operate. A few people got together and did all the right things – forming the non-profit with a mission – to bring a historic antique carousel home to Buffalo. It wasn’t the city that made this happen and bought the carousel, nor the state even, nor the developer of Canalside, where the carousel hopes to call home. What made this happen was a group of people with a vision. But instead of just day dreaming and hoping, they put it down on paper and formed the Buffalo Heritage Carousel, Inc. non-profit – before there was a carousel. If not for the group, and the vision, and the 401c3, there would be no historic carousel returning to its roots in Buffalo. Now that there is a carousel, the state has stepped in with a grant for $600,000 to cover the full restoration. Wow. Now purchase and restoration are paid for, and just a couple of months ago, it was still a dream… but an official, non-profit-based dream.
The timing for the carousel dream to come to fruition could not be any better it seems, we hope. The historic carousel will next need a good home – a great location would be most preferable and beneficial to all, but sometimes that’s the hardest part with these projects. For one, the building will likely be more expensive than the carousel, and then there is the question of exactly where to put the building. Under the Brooklyn Bridge is already taken… On the water is always nice, people of all ages like that. And, in close proximity to a Children’s Museum, or other family destination would benefit both the carousel and the neighboring family destination alike.
There is a mixed-use waterfront development already underway in Buffalo – Canalside. In fact, a carousel and a children’s museum were both recommended for the Buffalo waterfront in a cultural master-plan issued in October 2011 by a Consulting Firm hired by Erie Canal Harbor Development Corp. And, current plans are underway to move the “Explore and More Children’s Museum” from Main Street, to right along the the new canal in the development (full story).
It is not yet etched in stone, however, that the carousel will find a home at Canalside.
The Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation is working with Buffalo Heritage Carousel to find the perfect spot for it on the waterfront, but there are no false promises.
In a statement, Pamm Lent, spokesman for the ECHDC, said:
“Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation applauds the effort of Assemblyman Sean Ryan to secure $600,000 in state funding to restore the historic carousel built decades ago in North Tonawanda. However, it is important to note that no decision has yet been made about its placement. As we have stated previously, ECHDC would like to see the carousel located on the Buffalo waterfront and will continue to meet with Buffalo Heritage Carousel, Inc. to determine if it can be accommodated at Canalside.”
I like that. It’s refreshing to hear. Honesty. You don’t hear much of that today. That completely honest statement gives me faith that ECHDC is the type of organization that will, in fact, find a spot for the historic carousel. They would be silly not to. If they do it right, it could become one of the most popular destinations in the city, as well as the most popular function space on the canal.
The historic 1924 carousel, if all goes according to plan they say, will start making the rounds in Buffalo in 2017. And I love this – it has already been determined as a stipulation to the grant – The cost for a ride will be just $1.00! (While in my home town of Boston, you have to pay $3 to ride a fiberglass bug.) It sure sounds like they are doing it right in Buffalo. And, if they get the right location on the canal, and run things right, $1 a ride will be more than enough.
I really think this historic carousel is going to prove to be a tremendous addition to not only the Canalside development, but to the entire City of Buffalo, surpassing even the expectations of those who dreamt it and made it happen.
And maybe their success will help inspire homes for the other few great Grand Historic American Carousels we have left, still relegated to filling up storage units, when they could be filling faces with smiles.
Visit the Buffalo Heritage Carousel Website>>>
The Buffalo Heritage Carousel was built just 15 miles up the Niagara River from Buffalo, in North Tonawanda where the Allan Herschell Factory Museum there just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the factory, built in 1915 when Allan Herschell came out of retirement to open up shop right across the street from his brothers-in-law and former partners, the Spillmans.
The Buffalo Heritage Carousel, as it will from now on be known, was originally custom-built by the Spillman Eng. Co. for a gentleman in Massachusetts who would operate it at a local carnival until 1954, when the state took over the property the carnival was on to build a school. The gentleman passed away two years later and the family kept the carousel intact, in storage for 61 years. Built 91 years ago, this historic carousel has spent two-thirds of its life in storage – no longer.
Support the Buffalo Heritage Carousel >>>
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State Grant to Restore Historic Carousel for Canalside
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Assemblyman Sean Ryan will announce today that he has secured $600,000 in state funding to restore a historic carousel. Loading… Post to Facebook. Historic Carousel Coming to Canalside Assemblyman Sean Ryan will announce today that he has …