Carousel News & Trader Magazine,
September 1992 Issue No. 9, Vol. 8
COVER: Restored Muller Indian pony from the Pen Mar Carousel. Marianne Stevens restoration; Mark Pendl paint.
- The true art of American carousel artisans
- Circus World Museum buys Royal American Shows 1905 band organ
- Carousel artist Sandra Dudek paints Agawam’s Illions
- The Herschell-Spillman Frontier Carousel at Indian Walk in Wrightstown, PA
- New museum for Grand Rapids, MI
- FEATURE: The history of the grand Pen-Mar carousel; from Maryland to Anchorage, Alaska, by Marianne Stevens
- Carousel carver Luvern Welykholowa
- The Herschell-Spillman Cowtown Steam Carousel in Wichita, KS
- Magical Carousel Shop opens on the Jersey Shore