Carousel News & Trader Magazine,
January 2007 Issue No. 1, Vol. 23
COVER: 1922 PTC #61, from failed Idora Park to fully restored in Brooklyn 22 years later thanks to Jane Walentas.
- Santa visits US carousels.
- Dan’s Desk: Astroland sold, NY’s Chelsea Cove to feature carousel.
- Carousel Carving Tips and Tricks: Carving the legs, Part 2.
- A look at miniatures and collectibles.
- Restoration continues on Bushnell Park’s 1914 Stein & Goldstein carousel in Harford, CT.
- New Carved Paul Titus Carousel at Pt. Defiance Zoo in Takoma, WA, aboard antique Parker frame.
- Cover Feature: From Idora Park in Ohio to Brooklyn, NY for PTC #61. Now Jane’s Carousel.
- Jane Walentas on the 22 year project of “Restoring Jane’s Carousel”.
- A look back at the famed Idora Park in Youngstown Ohio (1899-1984).
- Listing of Historic US Carousels open year-round.
- Perron’s International Carousel Museum open house in Oregon.