CN&T SEPT 1985 –
This first issue of The Carousel News & Trader was called just “The Carousel Trader” back then, until that reference took on negative meaning. The original issue was just 8 pages, folded, black and white off of a copy machine. Nancy handed them out at the annual carousel festival at the Burlington, North Carolina, Dentzel, and then at all of the auctions that fall, and she was off and running…

Carousel News & Trader Founding Editor, Nancy Lynn Loucks admires an Illions horse on a visit to Rol and Jo Summit.
Here is the first cover story, and the first Editor’s Column:
Or, you can read the entire first issue online >>
A parade of 35 beautifully restored animals will be exhibited at Grand Rapids Public Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan until September 11, 1985. A magnificent 1928 Spillman
Carousel has been purchased by the museum and is being restored by Tom Layton of Sandusky, Ohio. He has restored 35 of the 50 animals, which can be seen at the museum. The exhibit includes the Carousel’s unrestored rounding board panels, upper and lower drive panels, and mirror panels, all with lights. Also included in the exhibit will be artwork of the Carousel animals being produced and for sale by Grand Valley Artists, along with a video-tape of the restoration process, produced by WOTV-TV8. Once restored, the Carousel will be a main attraction of the proposed new Public Museum on the West Bank of the Grand River . A complete article on this Carousel will be in October’s The Carousel Trader. Watch for it.
Welcome to the first issue of THE CAROUSEL TRADER. From this humble start, we hope to grow every month in size and quality. We hope to reach everyone interested in carousels with this Trader.
Here is the place to put your news articles and advertisements for carousel related items.
This is the first issue of a monthly magazine dedicated to all people who keep the Carousel Era alive in their hearts.
PEOPLE who tai an old worn out animal with a leg missing and peeling paint, and restore it to its former beauty.
PEOPLE who put a whole carousel back together so children can experience a dream horse.
PEOPLE who display a carousel animal in their home and it becomes like one of the family.
PEOPLE who ride the carousels with a tear in their eye, remembering its former glory.
PEOPLE who are looking for a reproduction of a favorite horse they rode as a child.
I guess you could say this is a people magazine for carousels.
THE CAROUSEL TRADER will be coming to you every month. I hope it will be one-stop-shopping for a your needs. I hope the advertisers will find their businesses growing as many more people become aware their services. I hope the carousel organizations will get new members as more people will find out about them.
I will try my best to get THE CAROUSEL TRADER out on time and keep the advertising rates as low as I possibly can.
Your Editor
Nancy Lynn Loucks