Antique Carousel Deer from Merry-Go-Round Museum and Dinger Collection Join in White House Holiday Decorations
Three Dentzel Deer and an E. Joy Morris Elk to the East Room

Shelby Dinger at the White House for the holidays with the early 1900s Dentzel carousel deer on loan from her grandmother’s famed Charlotte Dinger Collection.
WASHINGTON, DC – When an invitation for carousel animals to be part of the White House annual Christmas decorations came late in the summer, it was intriguing enough and vague enough to catch the staff’s attention.

Kurri Lewis, Merry-Go-Round Museum curator, coordinated (and even transported) the beautiful antique carousel deer on loan to the White House for the 2014 holiday decorations. Kurri, and his (expecting) wife, Chantel, pose with the Charlotte Dinger Collection Dentzel deer in the East Room.
Discussions about the Merry-Go-Round Museum, Carousel World LP, and the the Charlotte Dinger Collection participation in the White House Christmas 20l4 display continued throughout the fall. Delighted lo share four carousel deer, we loaded the figures into a van to make the journey from Sandusky, Ohio to the District of Columbia on Thanksgiving weekend.
With December 1 as the opening day for the display, two Dentzels from the Charlotte Dinger Collection (one of which was used for the US Postal Service deer stamp), the Merry-Go-Round Museum’s own E. Joy Morris deer, (originally from the Marianne Stevens Collection which was donated to the museum recently), and a forth deer from a private collection were transported for the display. Kurri Lewis, the MGR museum curator, took the lead in organizing the animals for selection in the display, as well as transportation of the valuable antique figures.

From the late-Marianne Steven’s Collection, (now a permanent part of the MRG Museum Collection) this wonderful ca. 1900 E. Joy Morris deer/elk has plenty of stature to share space with past Presidents.
Installed in the East Room, the deer were prominently placed to create maximum exposure. HGTV even showed the animals in their annual “Christmas at the While House” program. Once the display was set up, Kurri drove back to Ohio Monday night and then returned to to Washington, D.C., Tuesday with his wife, Chantel Lewis, a kindergarten teacher for the Danbury school system. The opening party was hosted by First Lady Michelle Obama. Attending were Ashley and Shelby Dinger (granddaughters of Charlotte Dinger), representing the Charlotte Dinger Collection, and Chantel and Kurri Lewis on behalf of the Merry-Go-Round Museum. Although the President didn’t make it to the party, the First Lady made everyone feel welcome. The Lewises also attended a Wednesday party at the White House for people who had helped with the Christmas display.
The White House website says that George Washington’s intention for the East Room was for it to be the “Public Audience Room” of the White House. President Barack Obama used it to sign the Health Care Reform Act. Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder, and Bob Dylan have played concerts there. The deer remained at the White House until late December. Since the four have returned to the museum, photographs commemorating their stay at the White House are included in their exhibit.
– Reprinted from The Carousel & Automatic Music News, Mar./Apr. 2015

Of all the figures carved my the masters from the “Golden Age” of American carousels, (1880s-1929), the Herschell-Spillman from (really called a “Hop Toad”), is the only figure to ever be carved wearing human clothing.
A Visit to America’s Real First Theme Park – The Henry Ford and Greenfield Village
Theme Park Insider – By James Koehl, Dec. 3, 2014
“America’s 1st Theme Park” is a slogan that Knott’s Berry Farm has used for years to promote itself and its long history of providing themed family“America’s 1st Theme Park” is a slogan that Knott’s Berry Farm has used for years to promote itself and its long history of providing themed family entertainment. While Knott’s claim might hold in the traditional sense of a family amusement park, there is at least one place in America that can claim a longer history of providing a totally immersive themed experience — a place where millions of people have ridden on a steam locomotive-pulled train, ridden a hand-carved carousel, watched a nearly 150-year old example of mechanical animatronics, and strolled down the streets of a carefully created American village of the late 1800’s. When Walter Knott started to create Ghost Town at his berry farm in 1940, this historic theme park in a suburb of Detroit had already been in existence for eleven years.
This is Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. READ MORE >>
Berkshire Carousel to be housed at original Pittsfield location on Center Street
Berkshire Eagle
The hand-carved horses for the Berkshire Carousel have found a permanent home — Pittsfield. A pair of anonymous Pittsfield donors have pledged at least $350,000 toward the project — with the condition that it live in Pittsfield. “It’s their hometown, so that’s understandable,” according to carousel director Maria Caccaviello. “It’s not anything wrong with Dalton, they’ve given us great support.” One donor will match dollar-for-dollar a $250,000 grant pledged by the Massachusetts Cultural Council to help pay for the facility, with the other philanthropist committing to a six-figure contribution, Caccaviello said. The carousel, its building and amenities are expected to cost more than $2 million.
Modern Woodmen plans carousel, larger concourse deck
Quad-Cities Online
DAVENPORT — Aldermen meeting as the committee of the whole on Wednesday advanced plans for a carousel and a concourse deck expansion at Modern Woodmen Park. A resolution on the $600,000 concourse deck expansion was set for the Dec. 10 city council meeting.
Thrilling ride ends for Hoffman’s, but new twist coming in 2015
Albany Business Review
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28th Merry-Go-Christmas at the Kit Carson Merry-Go-Round
Burlington Record
The 28th annual Christmas at the Carousel will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 7, in Carousel Park at historic PTC #6 Kit Carson County Fairgrounds in Burlington, CO.
Spokane Looff Cristmas Carousel kicks off holidays for military families
KXLY Spokane
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