2004 CN&T Covers

Issue No. 10, Vol. 19 – December 2003/January 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, Dec. 2003/Jan. 2004 Issue No. 10, Vol. 19 COVER: 1890s Dentzel Stander restored to original paint by Tony Orlando - holiday cover. COVER: Victory Ride; Visit to Martha's Vineyard by Janet Shartle PBS Antiques Roadshow Make Major Antique carousel figure appraisal error Hillcrest Park Auction…
Issue No. 1, Vol. 20 – February 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, February 2004 Issue No. 1, Vol. 20 COVER: 1890 Looff stander from Seaport Village, San Diego, CA, Bill Manns photo. CONTENTS: Feature on Historic 1890s Seaport Village Looff carousel to be sold in San Diego, (formerly at Salisbury Beach, MA) Dave Norton elected Showmen's League…
Issue No. 2, Vol. 20 – March 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, March 2004 Issue No. 2, Vol. 20 COVER: The New Riverfront Carousel in Salem, OR. Photo by Ron Cooper. CONTENTS: Full 1950s Allan Herschell carousel sells on EBay Carousel Ups & Downs; CNT reader's column [A Carousel Friend's] Identify Theft on the Internet Book Review…
Issue No. 3, Vol. 20 – April 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, April 2004 Issue No. 3, Vol. 20 COVER: Mexican Muller carousel, Cavalry Military Muller. (The fifth CNT Mexican Muller cover). Steve Crescenze restoration. Photo: R.A.R.E. CONTENTS: Passing of Marion Roehl - memoriam Kenneth Melvin White memoriam ca. 1940 Allan Herschell, Herschell-Spillman, Eureka, CA Operating Carousel…
Issue No. 4, Vol. 20 – May 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, May 2004 Issue No. 4, Vol. 20 COVER: Rendering of the Eagle for the new carved Adirondack, NY carousel. CONTENTS: 1890 San Diego Looff Carousel sold intact, ties record auction price. Another Buyer Alert: Asian carvings Illons horses and Bayol menagerie donated to New England…
Issue No. 5, Vol. 20 – June 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, June 2004 Issue No. 5, Vol. 20 COVER: Flying Manes C. W. Parker in the William Manns collection. CONTENTS: Mysterious Illions Sea Serpents over 10' long discovered - Signature reads: "M. Illions-1904-N. Pierway Coney Island, Fabulous Feltman carvings" Carousel Pieces at Randy Inman auction in…
Issue No. 6, Vol. 20 – July/August 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, July/August 2004 Issue No. 6, Vol. 20 SPECIAL HISTORICAL ISSUE by guest editor, Tobin Fraley. COVER: Circa 1910 peek through the window of the D. C. Muller Co. shop in Philadelphia, PA showing ornate, but likely long gone horses. CONTENTS: Ravina Music Festival celebrates 100 years…
Issue No. 7, Vol. 20 – September 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, September 2004 Issue No. 7, Vol. 20 COVER: Muller prancer restored by Lisa Parr of Old Parr's Studio. CONTENTS: Red Grooms at Frist Center Another old post card - same carousel From Salvatore Cernigliaro, A Rare Letter, part 1; From Palermo, Itay to US in…
Issue No. 8, Vol. 20 – October 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, October 2004 Issue No. 8, Vol. 20 COVER: English Anderson double-seater galloper [carousel] horse restored by Tony Orlando. CONTENTS: Merry We Go Around - Steven Shark Artist From Salvatore Cernigliaro, A Rare Letter, part 2; Working inside the Dentzel factory with Gustav, and the Muller…
Issue No. 9, Vol. 20 – November 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, November 2004 Issue No. 9, Vol. 20 COVER: Looff Sea Dragon, Minerva" who once rode in Whalom Park, Fitchburg, MA. CONTENTS: From Salvatore Cernigliaro, A Rare Letter, part 3; Final installment, Life after Dentzel and carousels Cover Story: Purchase and restoration of the Whalom Park…
Issue No. 10, Vol. 20 – December 2004/January 2005
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, Dec. 2004/Jan. '05 Issue No. 10, Vol. 20 COVER: Children on a carousel from the 1914 music sheet titled, "Down on the Merry-Go-Round", from the Tony Orlando archives. CONTENTS: Tammy Steamer-Mondschein wedding photos at Peddler's Village American Carousel Association to disband, make final donation to…