Issue No. 1, Vol. 19 – January/February 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2003 Issue No. 1, Vol. 19 COVER: Old carousel picture/art from 1934, New York Herald Tribune CONTENTS: Auction Under The Big Top, PA sale results IAAPA 2002 photos, report Carousel donkey and elephant sold at Washington D.C. Party Animal auction fundraiser Dino's First Ride;…
Issue No. 2, Vol. 19 – March 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, March 2003 Issue No. 2, Vol. 19 COVER: Two hand-carved horses for Brass Ring's Elk City, OK carousel. - Carvers Issue - CONTENTS: Brass Ring Entertainment builds custom wood carved Elk City, OK Centennial carousel Lake Compounce historic carousel gets a new Pavilion Carousel Theme…
Issue No. 3, Vol. 19 – April 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, April 2003 Issue No. 3, Vol. 19 COVER: Two rare Allan Herschell Donkeys; Restoration by Wolf, Steve Crescenze. CONTENTS: Cover story - Feature on Herschell carousel Donkeys (Mules) by Leah Farnsworth PTC hordes stolen from Strates Shows storage Donkey Facts and Trivia Reproduction Watch -…
Issue No. 4, Vol. 19 – May 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, May 2003 Issue No. 4, Vol. 19 COVER: Ca. 1917 C.W. Parker Rose Horse from Forest Park, Fort Worth, TX, carousel. CONTENTS: Spillman Carousel factory Converts for World War II in 1942 Dorney Park historic ThunderHawk roller coater turns 80 City of Torrance, CA, Carousel…
Issue No. 5, Vol. 19 – June 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, June 2003 Issue No. 5, Vol. 19 COVER: A Big Horn Sheep, for the newly carved Helena, MT, carousel CONTENTS: Empire State, NY, Carousel finds a new home Stinson Organ Notes; MIDI Systems A History of the carousels of Dorney Park, PA Auction Under the…
Issue No. 6, Vol. 19 – July/August 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, July/August 2003 Issue No. 6, Vol. 19 COVER: PTC Lady Liberty "Columbia" chariot from the Filler Collection. CONTENTS: Restorations by Wolf 12th Annual Open House Carousel to Return to Eldridge Park, Elmira, NY Richland Carrousel Park Armed Forces Day Ohio Amusement Parks Vintage Postcard book…
Issue No. 7, Vol. 19 – September 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, September 2003 Issue No. 7, Vol. 19 COVER: Stein & Goldstein stander restored by Steve Crescenze finally heading home. CONTENTS: Auction Under the Big Top 2003 auction results: Fun Forest Carmel sells for $30,250 New building for Columbus Zoo ca. 1914 Mangels-Illions carousel Great Midwest…
Issue No. 8, Vol. 19 – October 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, October 2003 Issue No. 8, Vol. 19 COVER: Tribute to PTC 38 lost to fire in 1983. Arlene Landers Artwork. CONTENTS: Miniature Carousels by Palmer Burke Marvin Sylvor looking to sell Fabricon Company Balboa Park, San Diego historic Herschell-Spillman Carousel to relocate Hillcrest Park, IL…
Issue No. 9, Vol. 19 – November 2003
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, November 2003 Issue No. 9, Vol. 19 COVER: Rare Herschell Bucking Bronco, Marlene Irvin restoration. CONTENTS: Cover Story, A horse of a Different Shape - Carousel Bucking Broncos, by Marianne Stevens Hanford, California Allan Herschell Carousel Carousel Workshop Third Annual Open House Groundbreaking for C.W.…
Issue No. 10, Vol. 19 – December 2003/January 2004
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, Dec. 2003/Jan. 2004 Issue No. 10, Vol. 19 COVER: 1890s Dentzel Stander restored to original paint by Tony Orlando - holiday cover. COVER: Victory Ride; Visit to Martha's Vineyard by Janet Shartle PBS Antiques Roadshow Make Major Antique carousel figure appraisal error Hillcrest Park Auction…