Issue No. 1, Vol. 17 – January/February 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2001 Issue No. 1, Vol. 17 COVER: Pen Mar Muller horse from New Mexico CONTENTS: Evan Pisano first carousel ride New England Carousel Museum news Steve and Kris Crescenze, Restoration by Wolf Open House Organ enthusiast, Mike Kitner memoriam Marianne Stevens Pen Mar…
Issue No. 2, Vol. 17 – March 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, March 2001 Issue No. 2, Vol. 17 COVER: Annual Carvers Issue, Collage of carver photos CONTENTS: Brenda Anderson memoriam Book review: Carousel Horses Valerie A Russo feature Rowe Cavelli feature Alfredo Martinez Martinez feature Greg Cooper feature Carving the "Griffin horse" Bob Callis feature…
Issue No. 3, Vol. 17 – April 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, April 2001 Issue No. 3, Vol. 17 COVER: Steve Crescenze restored Looff greyhound dog from Whalom Park carousel, in Fitchburg, MA CONTENTS: Walter Youree memoriam Restorations by Wolf, Steve Crescenze, restoration of Whalom Park Carousel greyhound 1914 PTC #33 finds new home in St.…
Issue No. 4, Vol. 17 – May 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, May 2001 Issue No. 4, Vol. 17 COVER: 1906 Lion from PTC #12 last at Crystal Beach. CONTENTS: Miniature carousel featured at Millerville, PA Woodcarving and Wildlife Art Festival Original paint uncovered on PTC #12, last operated at Crystal Beach, Ontario, Canada Shelley Gorny Schoenherr…
Issue No. 5, Vol. 17 – June 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, June 2001 Issue No. 5, Vol. 17 COVER: Early 1900s Looff outside row carousel giraffe, jumper CONTENTS: June Reely memoriam Charles Jacques, Jr. letter to members of the National Carousel Association Board Spring Kissel Auction at Strickers Grove, Ross, OH Open House at Restorations by…
Issue No. 6, Vol. 17 – July/August 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, July/August 2001 Issue No. 6, Vol. 17 COVER: 1960s photo collage of Dentzel carousel in Lancaster, PA CONTENTS: National Carousel Association Technical Conference to Madison, WI Rocky Springs Carousel Association purchases antique Dentzel carousel Pottstown, PA getting a carousel Illions exhibit at Merry-Go-Round Museum in…
Issue No. 7, Vol. 17 – September 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, September 2001 Issue No. 7, Vol. 17 COVER: John Anthony Kraley oil painting CONTENTS: Carousel at Spring River Park and Zoo in Roswell, NM celebrates 30 years Mike Saltzein memoriam and tribute Cananduigua, NY to build carousel on lakefront Valleyfair!, Minnesota's theme park, boasts PTC…
Issue No. 8, Vol. 17 – October 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, October 2001 Issue No. 8, Vol. 17 COVER: Arlene Landers rendering of horse from Kit Carson County carousel in Burlington, CO CONTENTS: Carousel figures sell high at Skinner Americana auction in Bolton, MA Richland Carrousel Park in Mansfield, OH celebrates 10th anniversary History of New…
Issue No. 9, Vol. 17 – November 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, November 2001 Issue No. 9, Vol. 17 COVER: Dentzel-Muller American flag and eagle Patriotic carousel horse, "Liberty". CONTENTS: NCA and ACS Combined Convention 2001 - Michigan Gathering combines the National Carousel Association and American Carousel Society for the first time; Dutch Village, Greenfield Village, Crossroads…
Issue No. 10, Vol. 17 – December 2001
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, December 2001 Issue No. 10, Vol. 17 COVER: Tony Orlando Holiday cover features a Dentzel rabbit and Dentzel rounding board. CONTENTS: Wheaton Regional Park restoration project Mega Stinson band organ ships to world's largest hotel in Malaysia Great Canadian Carousel Company unveils St. Bernard corporate…