Issue No. 1, Vol. 16 – January/February 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2000 Issue No. 1, Vol. 16 COVER: Illions outside row stander from Circus World, Orlando, FL CONTENTS: Michigan Carousel Club Files: PTC #7; Destroyed in fire in 1923? Buying That First Horse: 1926 Illions Supreme Stander Europe's Carousels and Amusements: Fair Organ rallies in…
Issue No. 2, Vol. 16 -March 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON - ANNUAL CARVERS ISSUE - Carousel News & Trader Magazine, March 2000 Issue No. 2, Vol. 16 COVER: Carousel horse blueprint collage by Arnold Baker CONTENTS: Annual Carvers Issue Lockman Carousel Collection Looks for Savior-Buyer News from the Merry-Go-Round Museum; Archive Grant, Marge Swenson visit, book published, carving studio activity IAAPA…
Issue No. 3, Vol. 16 – April 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, April 2000 Issue No. 3, Vol. 16 COVER: Restored horse from the last Illions Supreme still intact in South Pasadena, CA. Lise Liepman paint, Bill Manns photo CONTENTS: Feature on painting an Illions horse, by Carousel Artist, Lise Liepman Photo and editorial feature on Antique…
Issue No. 4, Vol. 16 – May 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, May 2000 Issue No. 4, Vol. 16 COVER: Arlene Landers painting of the Carmel lead horse in the Lake Compounce carousel in Bristol, CT. CONTENTS: Newsflash: Whalom Looff broken up at auction - Details in June 2000 issue C.W. Parker County Fair style carousel in…
Issue No. 5, Vol. 16 – June 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, June 2000 Issue No. 5, Vol. 16 COVER: Illions stander from Chafatinos Restaurant, Coney Island, NY. Restored by Steve and Kris Crescenze. CONTENTS: Whalom Park Looff carousel auction in Fitchburg, MA Rocky Springs Carousel day in Lancaster, PA Los Angeles Zoo to get Lincoln Park…
Issue No. 6, Vol. 16 – July/August 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, July/August 2000 Issue No. 6, Vol. 16 COVER: Norumbega Park, MA, Dentzel tiger. Pam Hessey paint restoration. Bill Manns photo CONTENTS: Pam Hessey on the restoration of Dentzel tiger for Shawn and Kate Murphy Charlotte Dinger Tribute at Merry-Go-Round Museum in Sandusky, OH Bob Lemons…
Issue No. 7, Vol. 16 – September 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, September 2000 Issue No. 7, Vol. 16 COVER: Outside row 1917 carousel horse on Philadelphia Toboggan Company #44 at Paramount's Kings Dominion, Doswell, VA. CONTENTS: Harvey Roehl memoriam ACS Carousel Preservation funds Prospect Park carousel 10 year restoration anniversary Charley Wood Museums - Lake George Action Park to…
Issue No. 8, Vol. 16 – October 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, October 2000 Issue No. 8, Vol. 16 COVER: Steve Davis watercolor of Circa 1996 Wm. Dentzel, III-Davis carousel CONTENTS: William Poole memoriam A Tribute to Gloria King Carousel art of Steve Davis Deborah Veasey custom carousel jewelry designs Panel Art from the 1920 Spillman Engineering…
Issue No. 9, Vol. 16 – November 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, November 2000 Issue No. 9, Vol. 16 COVER: Tiger from Philadelphia Toboggan Company carousel, PTC #23, from Schenley Park, Pittsburgh, PA CONTENTS: Thoughts on NCA-ACS merger, Lee Formicola and Stan Denek Record-breaking prices set at Norton Lake George, NY, auction The Tuttle Carousel Figure collection…
Issue No. 10, Vol. 16 – December 2000
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, December 2000 Issue No. 10, Vol. 16 COVER: Tony Orlando restored Carmel-Borelli horse from the Silver Beach Amusement Park in St. Joseph, MI CONTENTS: 11th Annual Carousel Auction Under the Big Top in Mt. Pleasant, MI 10 Carousels at Inaugural Carousel Festival at Efteling Park…