Issue No. 1, Vol. 13 – January 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, January 1997 Issue No. 1, Vol. 13 COVER: Ca. 1884 Karl Muller-Frederick Heyn carousel. Photo by Susanne and Alex Fredebeul. CONTENTS: Charlotte Dinger Celebration of Life: Memoriam Karl Muller, German Carver, photos and history by Susanne and Alex Fredebeul Staten Island carousel update ACS Convention…
Issue No. 2, Vol. 13 – February 1997
READ THIS FULL ISSUE ONLINE Carousel News & Trader Magazine, February 1997 Issue No. 2, Vol. 13 COVER: These two Muller horses are from what have become known as the "Mexican" Mullers; found by the Higareda brothers of Guadalajara, Mexico, they had operated at Chopultepec Park in Mexico City. Steve Crescenze restored the figures and…
Issue No. 3, Vol. 13 – March 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, March 1997 Issue No. 3, Vol. 13 COVER: Reproduction carousel figures by Joe Leonard for the cover of the First Annual Carvers Issue. CONTENTS: First Annual Carvers Issue features carousel carvers – Professional and Amateur alike. Carousel carvers featured in this issue: W. P. Wilcox,…
Issue No. 4, Vol. 13 – April 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, April 1997 Issue No. 4, Vol. 13 COVER: Mexican Muller known as the Drapery Horse. Wood restoration by John Hughes. Paint by Lise Liepman. CONTENTS: Dave Norton Auctioneers to sell James F. Conklin Shows collection Sal D'Inecco's masterful, amazing miniature carousels Jantzen Beach 4-abreast C.…
Issue No. 5, Vol. 13 – May 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, May 1997 Issue No. 5, Vol. 13 COVER: Lead horse from the carousel at Lake Compounce; the oldest continually operating carousel in the US, built in 1883, in American's oldest amusement (1846). The carousel was built by Timothy Murphy and includes horses from Charles Carmel (cover…
Issue No. 6, Vol. 13 – June 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, June 1997 Issue No. 6, Vol. 13 COVER: Grouping of antique Looff carousel giraffes from the Perron Collection on a Holiday display in Spokane, WA. Fred Hilker photo CONTENTS: Miniature Carousel Convention in Grand Rapids, MI Former Euclid Beach (and Old Orchard Beach) PTC…
Issue No. 7, Vol. 13 – July 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, July 1997 Issue No. 7, Vol. 13 COVER: C. W. Parker Lillie Belle horse aboard the Historic Jantzen Beach carousel in Portland, OR CONTENTS: Christies to auction The Tussauds Collection of Fariground Art in England - Antique European carousel figures and band organs included in…
Issue No. 8, Vol. 13 – August 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, August 1997 Issue No. 8, Vol. 13 COVER: Early Dentzel prancer last aboard the Ocean Grove, NJ Dentzel carousel. Restoration by Steve Crescenze of the Marianne Stevens horse. CONTENTS: Michigan Carousel Club annual gathering New England Carousel Museum to offer carving classes Lumbertown Amusement Park…
Issue No. 9, Vol. 13 – September 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, September 1997 Issue No. 9, Vol. 13 COVER: PTC #19 from the former Euclid Beach Park in Cleveland remained intact where the whole outbid the figures for a new world record at auction of $715,000 for a full antique carousel. CONTENTS: Euclid Beach carousel comes…
Issue No. 10, Vol. 13 – October 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, October 1997 Issue No. 10, Vol. 13 COVER: Fly By Night print by Brent Flory of UT CONTENTS: Carousel Group plans visit to see English carousels in 1999 1902 D.C. Muller giraffe from Lakeview Park (Now Forest Park) carousel comes out of hiding in Dracut,…
Issue No. 11, Vol. 13 – November 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, November 1997 Issue No. 11, Vol. 13 COVER: Carmel stander from Bogata, Columbia restored by Len Luiso CONTENTS: Miniature Carousel Builders rally at Knoebels Grove Restoring the cover Carmel stander feature, by Len Luiso 1997 NCA Convention tours Indiana and Illinois. Carousel visits include: 1900…
Issue No. 12, Vol. 13 – December 1997
FULL ISSUE ONLINE SOON Carousel News & Trader Magazine, December 1997 Issue No. 12, Vol. 13 COVER: Illions American Beauty Rose horse, restored by Tony Orlando CONTENTS: Maple Leaf Village horse contains Playland Park, Wassage Beach ticket 1997 Collectors Expo in Orlando, FL with hand-crank carousel L.A.R.K. Toys unveils their new carved menagerie carousel…